Shanghai 1937: Stalingrad on the Yangtze Page 35
62. NCDN, November 6, 1937.
63. Ristaino, p. 65.
64. NCDN, November 6, 1937.
65. North China Herald, November 17, 1937.
66. The first time, in Nanjing a few weeks later, was a failure, as the zone became engulfed in the general slaughter that ravaged the city. An attempt in the central Chinese city of Hankou the following year was more successful and probably saved thousands of lives. The concept would go on to be enshrined in a commentary to the 1949 Geneva Convention, which would even honor Jacquinot by name.
67. Ristaino, p. 133.
68. Davidson-Houston J. V. Yellow Creek: The Story of Shanghai. Philadelphia PA: Dufour Editions, 1964, p. 155.
69. Christian Science Monitor, November 11, 1937.
70. Snow, p. 52.
71. Farmer, p. 90.
72. Carlson, E. F. Twin Stars of China. Beijing: Foreign Languages Press, 2003, pp. 23–24.
73. Carlson, E. F., Twin Stars of China, p. 25.
74. Snow, pp. 53–54.
75. Snow, pp. 53–54.
76. Bruce, p. 74.
1. Guillain, Robert. Orient Extreme: Une vie en Asie. Paris: Arlea/Seuil, 1986, p. 31.
2. Schenke, p. 21. Schenke does not give a date for the arrival, but states it was on the day after the death of Pembroke Stephens.
3. Schenke, p. 15.
4. Willens, p. 104.
5. NCDN, November 13, 1937.
6. Soon after leaving Shanghai, Yu Hongjun moved on to a career in economic policy making. Among the posts he would later assume were those of finance minister and central bank governor. In 1949, when Chiang Kai-shek lost control over China to the Communists, Yu fled to Taiwan, where he died in 1960, aged 62.
7. Barnett, Robert W. Economic Shanghai: Hostage to Politics 1937–1941. New York NY: Institute of Pacific Relations, 1941, p. 17.
8. Brook, p. 189.
9. Farmer, p. 94.
10. Farmer, pp. 94–95.
11. NCDN, October 27, 1937. No reliable estimate of the number of civilian casualties has ever been made.
12. Xu Yongchang. Xu Yongchang riji [Xu Yongchang’s Diary]. Taipei: Zhongyang Yanjiuyuan Jindaishi Yanjiusuo, 1991.
13. Ch’i Hsi-sheng, p. 43.
14. Taylor, p. 149.
15. White et al., p. 46.
16. Liang Hsi-huey, The Sino-German Connection, pp. 172–185.
17. Rigg, p. 196; King, Tim. “Secret of Hitler’s Jewish soldiers is uncovered,” in The Daily Telegraph, December 2, 1996. In October 1942, Borchardt, who had advanced to become a major and a regiment commander, was injured at El Alamein and was taken prisoner by the British. He passed through various POW camps in the United Kingdom and Canada, and at some point managed to tell his interrogators that his father was in fact Jewish and lived in England. Borchardt returned to Germany in 1946. “Somebody had to come back to rebuild the country,” his wife told him. After the war he had a career in journalism and diplomacy. In the late 1950s and early 1960s he was press attache to the West German embassy in Washington. He ended his career in intelligence.
18. Shina jihen rikugun sakusen, I, Showa jusan nen ichi gatsu made, p. 387. The figure may be somewhat understated. Matsui in his diary entry for February 7, 1938, after three more months of fighting, mentions “more than 18,000” soldiers having died on the battlefield or from disease. NDS, vol. 8, p. 176.
19. Morley, p. 270.
20. North China Herald, November 10, 1937.
21. Hanson, p. 118.
22. Shina jihen rikugun sakusen, I, Showa jusan nen ichi gatsu made, p. 416. It appears that Matsui may have wavered slightly in the middle of November on the question of continuing to Nanjing, but he soon changed his mind and supported the drive for the capital whole-heartedly. See, Hattori, pp. 176–177.
23. Farmer, p. 97.
24. Honda, p. 351 Kurosu Tadanobu is not his real name. The author states that for fear of reprisals, the old soldier asked to be identified by a pseudonym only.
25. Timperley, Harold J. (ed.). Japanese Terror in China. Freeport NY: Book for Libraries Press, 1938, p. 38.
26. Zhang Kaiyuan (ed.). Eyewitnesses to Massacre: American Missionaries Bear Witness to Japanese Atrocities in Nanjing. Armonk NY: M. E. Sharpe, 2001, p. 393.
27. Goette, p. 65.
28. Willens, p. 107.
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